for Sculpture
Main ideas
1) Photography,
memory and loss
Camera Lucida – Roland Barthes
The Magic Mirror – thesis Theresa
Christian Boltanksi
Eva Hesse
Rachel Whiteread
Kasia Larsen – fragments of me video
Egyptian mummification – photograph
embalms time
Crux of the idea: Print
photos onto unusual surfaces – ideally I would like ephemereal materials that
will cause the photo to distort – or to fragment it
Such as wax, organza and
then harden it with fabric hardener (check with annelize ), packing material,
household objects such as mirror (too cliché?) tiles, polyfiller - curtains, glass
bricks …..
How: ask Jenny/ Carolyn to give me a crash course on
screenprinting and find out what materials it can work on
Also speak to Bruce
Reynold about other photographic processes that could be useful eg cyanotype
When: Week 4 – I need to have chosen which path I m gonna take or
say 2 and then start experimenting with those; get knowledge of the skills, set
up blog
5 - select photographs, manipulate,
expose onto the screen if that’s the way its going
6 – screenprint onto a variety of materials also try eucalyptus release
7 – feedback
Risks: chemical s used and potential side effects such as the
eucalyptus oil, fabric hardener etc
Risks of process of screen printing – new
process, Uv exposure
Exhibit: potentially as a suspension in the whitebox or could
possibly suit the webb gallery better .
Idea 1b)
Project photos onto the uncooked sadza on the gallery floor …
2) Make
a mould out of parts of my body
of the idea: - as per the thesis – a cast is in a sense a negative of the
positive of the person – material void – speaks of absence we can touch – my
body but also linked to mum by certain physical traces – link to landscape –
when mum died I felt like I lost a sense of home and who I was she died and yet
parts of me died too which I have been searching for when I went back to the
family home in 2011 and since then in photographs …. Also a sense of violence
in the way she died (accident) as well as linking to violence perpetrated in my
motherland – loss of mum linked to a sense of loss of a motherland and a sense
of home and belonging, sutures stitch back the pieces …..also about Zimbabweans
and all that has been lost and people generally as we have all lost pieces of
ourselves ….
Other research: Ana Mendieta
Eva Hesse
Doris Salcedo
hmmm how the heck to make a cast need to research that
or use plaster bandage to make it from live
use wax slightly cooled …..
sealant ?
When: Week 4: more
research on casting & potentially
some training ?
4x small experiements to assess whether
the idea is viable
Week 5 & 6: take experiments and casts further to
make 2 x substantial ones for week 7
Risks: chemical exposure, plaster bandage dust, burns from wax
Unfamiliar processes
3) Lifeboat theory
Crux of the idea: As a more lighthearted yet
still meaningful project to me is to explore this idea of the lifeboat theory
as written about by Donald Miller as commentary on society ….. narrative of 5
people being in need of a lifeboat and there only being space for 4 – who has
value to take the space ? – question of values – of being inside and outside
and who determines who has value …. The fight for importance – media 15 minutes
of fame – selfies … yet whats the point of this striving – death -
Research: I have to look into this – Malthus
– lifeboat ethics
Miller – lifeboat theory
make a tile of
images of people high resolution underlaid by the framework of a lifeboat laid
out on the gallery floor so that people can wallk in and out OR use an actual
lifeboat with cardboard models of people ?
When: week 3 – think and see if this is
actually viable and interesting or wheteher to keep it on the back burner until
next year
4 – think up 3x different ways to present this look up companies that do tile
photographs or maybe liveimage ?
5 – start activating - collecting images
of people and boat design
6 – send in for printing in time for week 7
Risks: storage / safety ?
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