Friday, 31 October 2014

 Video Artist References – Carolyn Collier &  Kasia Larsen

 Some of her work involves projecting onto material. She is interested in the space and installation of work as well as the ‘dichotomy in the fact that gestures are frozen because of what they are projected on to, but they also embrace the act of transformation, in an alchemical presentation, material presence (with a life of it’s own), combines with artistic manipulation as an extension of the body’. Dense accumulation of material, ephemeral environments that create immersive experiences, poetic response to the idea of the body as landscape’. 

Interesting this idea of body as landscape as something for me to work with in the future. I was hoping that my work would evoke a sense of the ephemeral body and connection to the landscape as an echo of the loss of mum and also the loss of living in Zimbabwe as well as perhaps a gentler touch on the losses many people have experienced there due to the hardships. This perhaps came more strongly in the video in the middle of the landscape burning which also has a hint at the regeneration that follows. I didn’t want the work to be without hope.

Kasia Kohler Larsen

Danish documentary filmmaker Kasia Larsen used ‘visual and aural triggers’  (Theresa Moerman, 2012 The Magic Mirror  p.33) in her work Fragments of Me  2006, an autobiographical work about her search for her heritage. As she writes

‘Is the soul found in our memories and family?
The film is a biographical stream of consciousness, it will take you on a journey from Odense in Denmark to Krakow in Poland in the search for my roots in my grandmothers abandon house.
FRAGEMENTS OF ME is my debut as in making documentary. The film is a part of my master thesis at the University of Southern denmark.’

Sourced from Penelope Productions ,n.d viewed 20 October 2014 via

            blurring as a technique seen in this  film stills 

This idea of using the senses to try and recreate history or re connect with the past spoke to me for this work and I worked on a sound piece to add to the installation with my son making an imaginary phone call to me mum which was interspersed by the only words I have on audio file of my mum speaking.

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